Wednesday, July 29, 2009


* disclaimer:
Not my true story... but it could be someone elses out there.


For me right now its hard to say that i never thought i'd face this day. Alone tired and a shamed. I was afraid when they called my name. One step two steps three. The whole time I just kept asking how could this happen to me. Violated and underestimated. Sorrowful looks as I walked passed. Man, I hate that ass. A gentel caress soon became a hard smack as the sound of my screaming went slack. Buttons flying underwear ripping - then tears dripping. Hand sliding from throat to naval. Mad that I wasn't able-- to stop the pain... he said I was the one to blame. Legs spread wide, feeling nothing but cold inside. Room spinning, eyes tightly shut, a forcefuly thust, now deeply cut. Clinching my hips and then rubbing my breast, its a moment I'll never forget. Five minutes, felt like an eternity especially cause he was burning me. As he pushed in deeper- I kept praying for the grim reaper. Captivated by his charm, didn't think he could do me any harm. Left myself open to this endless round of chockin and unwanted strokin. Faster and faster he went, suddenly collapsing because he was spent. The weight of his body crushed as I gushed out air I didn't even know I was holdin in. He rolled over and off the bed. Held a gun to my head. Said if I told anyone I'd be dead. He grabbed my face and made me look him in the eye- this time I refused to cry. As I looked at the man who stole my male trust, all cause he was feeling a fit of lust. The hospital workers fell in a hush as I told them the story about my crush. I told them I wanted to take a shower, it had been nearly half an hour. I asked if they could hurry with the examination. I apologize for not coming here sooner, for a long time I just laid in bed, feeling my heart turn to lead and praying that come morning I'd be dead.Tears rolled down my face as I felt the warm embrace of first the doctor and then the nurse. She handed me my purse and with a soft curse I climbed down from the hospital bed, tried to walk on legs that were battered and bruised. I past a mirror and became starteled and confused.I didn't recognize The person stairing back at me

1 comment:

  1. Girl this still gives me chills...I love how you ended it! Man! Good stuff
