Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Oh I love words...
They are like a gentle lover caressing my body.
Words that rhyme are so divine... Mmm Speak to me...
Big ones, small ones -- there all the same floating across my mind-
There meanings lost to the ignorant and examined by the wise...
Oh how I love words...
Twirling, whirling -- there they go...
All in my mind they never slow
Begging to be released - rolling off my tongue out into the open...
Oh how I love words...
One can stop you dead in your tracks or bring a smile to your face
Like a fine Merlot...ooh I am ready to go
Oh how I love words...
Pick one, any one, say out loud-have a good time...
Wait, you can't have that one, its mine.
W...-O-...R-...D...-S ...
Oh how l love words...
They belong to me, like a captain on his sea
I try to stop myself from saying them but its like breathing-
they come so easy and free.
...Oh how I love words...

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